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Étude sur Smart Factory (en anglais)

29. December 2020

Major findings of the study included the following:

  • every manufacturer independent of size, maturity or sub-sector can harvest business value from smart factory initiatives and
  • associated transformation risks are generally outweighed by the overall value created.
Deloitte in cooperation with the Manufacturer’s Alliance for Productivity and Innovation (MAPI) established a joint Smart Factory Study to evaluate the business case for investment.

The focus was to identify the top use cases of smart factory technology, common adoption patterns, gains manufacturers are already seeing and how value from smart factory initiatives is being measured.

Using the global study as a basis for further investigation, Deloitte Switzerland spoke to key stakeholders in the Swiss manufacturing industry to get their views on the potential impact of smart factory initiatives in Switzerland and whether these could significantly boost competitiveness and productivity levels within the Swiss manufacturing industry. 

Whilst these interviews were conducted just before the COVID-19 also hit Switzerland, the dramatic acceleration of digitalisation we are seeing in light of COVID-19 makes these findings even more relevant.

Deloitte Consulting AG

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